The revolution will be organized.

  • The endless complications of smut in the library

    I’ve seen this story pop up a few times over the last few days, about Barbara Ann Wilson, the librarian who is suing her library, the Birmingham Public Library, for tolerating a sexually hostile work environment. Wilson says that patrons view sexually explicit materials and sexually harass her, and that the Library management and the…

  • Big projects beginning

    Yes, I have been missing in action here since I started my new job. The last six months gave me a great opportunity to settle in slowly and take things on bit by bit. I spent a lot of time getting to know our system, and starting to clean up some of what I’ve begun…

  • A New Year, a New Start

    Whooooa. So much for posting more last year. I expected to have so much to say about my first job as a bona fide librarian, but as it turned out, I was so busy getting my bearings and learning how to do my job that I didn’t have much energy left to formulate sentences about…

  • Day 5 in the Life of a New Librarian

    I suspect today is going to be a little slower around here: It’s Friday, and summer in general is pretty slow and quiet around here. One of the benefits of a school that doesn’t offer Summer courses. I have a pretty short To Do list today and most of it involves research for some big…

  • Day 4 in the Life of a New Librarian

    It’s hard to believe how fast this week has passed. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that the momentum continues. And that my fingers stop burning from the peppers last night. Man, that stuff is potent. 8.15 – I got into the library this morning and found this hilarious video in my inbox. Embedding doesn’t…

  • Day 3 in the Life of a New Librarian

    It’s hard to believe I’m already half way through the week. But at least I have a new coffee grinder, purchased at the very odd Shopko, and I got to have my coffee immediately upon waking. Life is much better that way. 8.15 – Arrived at work and checked the emails and RSS feeds, as…

  • Day 2 in the Life of a New Librarian

    I intended to update again yesterday after work. But I have to admit that I’m not really used to working full time and I’d forgotten how tired a person can feel at the end of the day. I have to re-adjust to this 40 hours a week thing, because my list of after-work projects is…

  • And the day is over

    So much for trying to update periodically throughout the day for this Library Life in the Day project. And so much for getting through my To Do list. I call it a To Do Wishlist for a reason. I did manage to edit the PR document on my desk, and that was an easy start…

  • New Librarian’s Day in the Life

    Today is the second annual Library Day in the Life web event: Librarians all over the world chronicle their work day on their blogs and other web sites, and all these postings are pulled together in one place. Now, I’m a new librarian: I graduated from Simmons GSLIS in May and just started my first…

  • Personal Librarians

    I have been toying with the idea of assigning college students a personal librarian for a few months now. And then I read that Yale already does this. I think this is a terrific idea and I’m happy to find that it wasn’t impossible to implement at all. This is an idea well worth sharing.